Recent comments on posts in the blog:
(I really need to figure out how to enable some sort of comment notification).
TTBOMK this is not packaged. After playing with this a bit more I came to the conclusion that grub on uboot ended up being a bit of a non-starter, partly due to the need to make the grub kernel relocatable at boot time but mainly because the appl ABI exported by u-boot isn't really usable as is (not actually nuchanging, discovery mechanism is too ad-hoc etc). In the end it didn't seem worth investing the amount of effort which would be required to make it work.
is this packaged? I see grub-uboot in jessie/armhf, and lots of u-boot flavours, but I have no idea which one to use for my qemu image (based on Aurélien’s).
I've upgraded my TS-219 from Wheezy to Jessie without efforts, it was a breeze.
I just realized qcontrol was also there and running, reporting temperature in daemon.log. It's magic.
Thanks a lot for making this work for all the rest of us!
I'm afraid not, since I don't have one, but I'm more than happy to receive patches.
(aside: I really need to setup notifications for comments on this blog, sorry for the delay replying)
I just installed bullseye (via stretch->buster-> bullseye) on a TS-412 , and plugged a HGST disk into, while watching syslog.
I didn't see anything, started looking at all sort of udev stuff and "magic scripts in QTS" ...
Now , having seen your blog on this, I see it should simply have worked as expected
Maybe because slot was empty at boot Maybe my "old drive" is broken
...anyhow I won't waste time on those magic scripts. Thanks .