Since I've been working on qcontrol I've had need of a way to build packages in an ARM environment. Since all my native ARM hardware is "production" (at least so far as something can be production in a home environment) I prefer to avoid installing development tools on them. When I started looking into this all my ARM systems ran from relatively small flash devices which also ruled out the possibility of a development chroot. After search the web a bit I discovered that it is possible to use qemu-user-static together with [[!binfmt-support ]] to create cross architecture chroots which can be entered mostly transparently. It is also possible to combine this with schroot and sbuild which makes the day to day use pretty much the same as a native or biarch chroot.

Since I've now had to rediscover how to do this twice (once for Sid and then again when I realized I also needed a Wheezy environment) I thought I should write it down for the benefit of my future self.

First things first lets install the various packages which we need. As well as debootstrap to create the chroot we need qemu-user-static and binfmt-support to allow us to run ARM binaries:

$ sudo apt-get install debootstrap qemu-user-static binfmt-support

I'm using schroot's lvm-snapshot mode so we need an LVM volume, formatted with a filesystem and mounted in a temporary location:

$ sudo lvcreate -L8G -n sbuild-wheezy-armel /dev/VG
$ sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/VG/sbuild-wheezy-armel
$ sudo mount /dev/VG/sbuild-wheezy-armel /mnt/

Next we need to create the chroot. For this we use debootstrap in foreign mode which does a 2 stage setup, firstly by using the --foreign option:

$ sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --include=fakeroot,build-essential \
        --arch=armel --foreign \
        wheezy /mnt http://<DEBIAN-MIRROR>/debian/

Now we (temporarily) copy the qemu-arm-static binary into the chroot (at the place where binfmt-support expects it), change into the chroot and run debootstrap's second stage to finish the basic chroot setup:

$ sudo cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static /mnt/usr/bin/
$ sudo chroot /mnt
(chroot)# ./debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage
(chroot)# exit

Now that we have a basic chroot in place it needs a little bit of tailoring. I've found the easiest way to do this is to use sbuild-createchroot and then tweak the result:

$ sudo sbuild-createchroot --arch=armel --foreign --setup-only \
    wheezy /mnt http://<DEBIAN-MIRROR>/debian/

If we were building a native chroot then we could have skipped the debootstrap stuff and let sbuild-createchroot handle things. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to play nicely with --foreign.

Now we can remove the qemu-arm-static binary from the chroot. schroot will automatically bind mount the version from the host into the chroot which ensures it remains up to date. We can also unmount the chroot since we will let schroot manage that from here on:

$ sudo rm /mnt/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static
$ sudo umount /mnt

Next we need to tweak the resulting schroot/sbuild configuration since sbuild-createchroot assumes the use of schroot's directory mode. First remove the symlink to /mnt which it created:

$ sudo rm /etc/sbuild/chroot/wheezy-armel-sbuild

Lastly we need to edit /etc/schroot/chroot.d/wheezy-armel-sbuild-<SUFFIX> (where is randomly generated) and reconfigure it to use lvm-snapshot mode, by apply the following changes:

+lvm-snapshot-options=--size 2G
 description=Debian wheezy/armel autobuilder

That's it, we now have a chroot which we can trivially invoke via sbuild to build armel packages:

$ sbuild --arch=armel --dist=wheezy <... other options...>

We can also use sbuild-update to keep the chroot up to date:

$ sudo sbuild-update -udcar wheezy-armel

You can also use schroot to login to the chroot directly, although for that case you'll likely want to create a different chroot using schroot's directory or block-device mode instead lvm-snapshot and drop some of the sbuild specific setup. I expect I'll blog about this configuration in some more detail at some point in the future since I'll want to document it to give a more convenient build environment for Xen on ARM than the build farm which we have at work.

Posted Mon 17 Dec 2012 13:46:54 UTC Tags: